Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Midweek maintenance report.....meh!

The last two days have been my most horridly "off program" days in over a year and a half, and just at the midpoint of my six weeks of maintenance....not the most opportune time to fly off the tracks. Things are getting stressful at work, and my son's freshman high school year is winding down in a hailstorm of project due dates, special events and final exam terror. I've responded to all of this by eating...a lot...of really, really bad things. In the last 48 hours I've had a mountain of chocolate covered expresso beans, banana split granola bars, chocolate chip cookies and homemade Reeses Cups the size of my fist. For reals. I have my weigh in tomorrow and I fully expect to have gained (best case scenario)a pound, most likely more. I was already over the "high end" of my maintenance range from my last weigh in so now I'll just be digging a deeper hole for my looming goal weight deadline at the end of May. I'm blogging this in the hopes that doing so will pull me out of whatever is making me screw up my hard work to lose these 101 pounds. Get back on track, stupid! :)


  1. You will get back on track! The amount of strength it took to get where you are is amazing so I think it is ok you veered off the tracks for a bit. Just bring the train back on to the main line? Right? I would wish you luck but you don't need it.

  2. You are not stupid. But perhaps you've forgotten, as so many of us do, that eating crap doesn't get projects done, or cure cancer, or make that deadline go away...and with the junk or without, these things are going to happen. So they might as well happen without you feeling like crap for what you're putting in your mouth. Back on track, my friend - you can do this!!!

  3. Homemade reese's cups and choc. covered coffee beans??? are you nuts??? Who could resist such delights???

    Now get over it...and kick some choco butt!

  4. I gained 3.4 lbs last week...too much dang birthday cake, and not enough running. I'm already down 1 lb of that, and am trying to get back on track. I have to bump up the exercise, because I've been consistently at the -19 lb mark for a while now. Can't seem to get the last 6 lbs off to meet my goal.
