I did a 5K race (my sixth, I think) yesterday, the Belleair Sunset 5K and Fun Run. I was a bit concerned because I did my regular Saturday AM classes at the gym and I was worried I might have "emptied my tank" before the race even started, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I ran a personal record, finishing in 35:08, which was 17 seconds faster than my previous PR. The race was in a beautiful part of town, along golf courses and luxury homes. Plus (between the race & my AM gym group fitness classes) I racked up 19 WW activity points today- almost half of my activity goal for the week! After the race they had all you can eat beer, chicken wings, cookies, funnel cakes, fruit and hot dogs for the runners! I got a bit of everything for my cheering section (husband and son) but I stuck to a banana and water post-race, to avoid undoing any good weight loss mojo I earned at the race. :) My son took some pictures, but since I'm typing this on my work iPad I don't know how to add it here- will add some soon.
It was a good weigh in at Weight Watchers on Thursday, I was down 2.4 pounds (total loss= 96.4) and I finally set an official goal weight. I'm 3.6 pounds away from that goal, once I get there that will be an even 100 pounds lost. My current weight is another sort of personal record for me- I weigh a pound less than what I weighed at high school graduation (in 1987!) and this is my lowest weight ever as an adult! I am more than a little excited about this, lol. Now, there is just the matter of these last 3.6 pounds...might take a while but I'll get there.
I found a new food this week that is surprisingly good- a green monster smoothie. It's a cup of raw spinach, a frozen banana, 1 1/4 cups of unsweetened almond milk and a WW creme brûlée smoothie packet all run thru a blender for about 30 seconds. The end result is a nearly fluorescent green drink that is only 3 points and includes 3 fruit & veg servings, 2 milk servings and keeps me full until lunch! I know it sounds gross but it is seriously good....just think "Shamrock Shake" instead of "blended spinach" while enjoying it, lol.